Tuesday, April 1, 2014

St. Michael’s storeys: building hematology 3.0

St. Michael’s storeys: building hematology 3.0

St. Michael’s is embarking on a series of projects to transform care at the hospital, including a new 17-storey patient care tower. Staff hematologist, Dr. Lisa Hicks, discusses St. Michael’s future home for hematology and what it means for patients and their care.

About St. Michael's Hospital

St. Michael’s Hospital provides compassionate care to all who enter its doors. The hospital also provides outstanding medical education to future health care professionals in 27 academic disciplines. Critical care and trauma, heart disease, neurosurgery, diabetes, cancer care, care of the homeless and global health are among the hospital’s recognized areas of expertise. Through the Keenan Research Centre and the Li Ka Shing International Healthcare Education Centre, which make up the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, research and education at St. Michael's Hospital are recognized and make an impact around the world. Founded in 1892, the hospital is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto.