Every week, someone in Sweden is @Sweden: sole ruler of the world’s most democratic Twitter account.
For seven days, he or she recommends things to do and places to see, sharing diverse opinions, and ideas along the way.
I am a geek, world history buff, my interests and hobbies are too numerous to mention. I'm a political junkie with a cynical view. I also love law & aviation!
Carter v. Canada (Attorney General),
2012 BCSC 886
Counsel for Plaintiffs
Joseph J.M. Arvay, Q.C.,
Sheila M. Tucker, Alison M. Latimer, and Grace M. Pastine |
Counsel for Attorney General of Canada
Donnaree Nygard, Keith Reimer,
Toireasa Jespersen, Melissa Nicolls, Megan Volk and BJ Wray |
Counsel for Attorney General of British Columbia
George H. Copley Q.C.
and Craig E. Jones, Q.C. |
Counsel for Farewell Foundation for the Right to Die
Jason Gratl and Marius
Counsel for Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
Hugh R. Scher, Joel V. Payne
and John A. Campion |
Counsel for Christian Legal Fellowship
Gerald Chipeur, Q.C. Bradley Miller
and Michael Morawski |
Counsel for Canadian Unitarian Counsel
Tim Dickson and Brent L. Rentiers
Counsel for The Ad Hoc Coalition of People with Disabilities Who
are Supportive of Physician-Assisted Dying
Angus M. Gunn, Jr.
and Sarah F. Hudson |
Place and Date of Hearing:
November 14-18, 21-25, 28,
December 1-2, 5-9, 12-14, 16, 2011, April 16, 2012 Vancouver, B.C. |
Place and Date of Judgment:
Vancouver, B.C.
June 15, 2012 |