Tuesday, June 3, 2008

.Canadian soldier's body returning home from Afghanistan

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Into a glorious setting sun and the belly of a Canadian Forces Hercules, the Maple Leaf-draped casket of Capt. Richard Leary, "Stevo" to his friends, was carried Wednesday to start the final trip home from the war zone of Afghanistan.

"His wish to serve his country by leading his troops into combat was one of his greatest desires," said Canadian battle group chaplain Capt. Darren Persaud. "When he was informed that he was coming to Afghanistan, he could not have been happier."

Thousands of NATO troops lined the runway as Leary's company comrades, followed by a piper playing a lament, carried the coffin into the aircraft bound for home.

NATO soldiers salute the Maple Leaf-draped casket of Capt. Richard "Stevo" Leary, killed in battle west of Kandahar City Tuesday.

NATO soldiers salute the Maple Leaf-draped casket of Capt. Richard "Stevo" Leary, killed in battle west of Kandahar City Tuesday.

Doug Schmidt/Windsor Star
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Leary, 32, was the second Canadian soldier in a month to die in an ambush while on foot patrol west of Kandahar City. He was leading his platoon during a small-arms fire fight Tuesday morning when he was shot - the 84th Canadian soldier to die in Afghanistan since 2002.

"He was always pushing it, pushing it as much as he could . . . he was a real inspiration to his troops," said Lt.-Col. Dave Corbould, battle group commander with Canada's Joint Task Force Afghanistan.

Corbould said Leary's men would likely hold a small ceremony in the field but that they would not be interrupting their work.

"As Capt. Leary was loyal to his men, they're loyal to his memory and they're getting on with the mission," he said.

Leary is survived by his wife and high school sweetheart Rachel of Shilo, Man., his Brantford, Ont., parents and a sister. A McMaster University history graduate who completed officer training in Sept. 2006, Leary served with 2nd Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry based at CFB Shilo. He was serving his first tour in Afghanistan.

See the story!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Comment to CBC National News Jan.

Re: Cure chasers segment

Mon. Jan. 15/07

It was a very good human interest story, however, it is not the CBC's job to promote, or give the appearance of promoting, a Chinese facility that performs stem cell treatments. For all the CBC knows, this company could be a fraud. I am commenting because of the way you edited the piece. The two women appeared to be shocked by the wonderful results portrayed in the promo. It appears that the CBC was the one who found the promotional material and showed it to the family. I just wonder if the CBC has offered false hope to the women, their family and anyone who watch the show.


Saturday, May 31, 2008



Very rich, tender and flaky. Yields one 9” square pan.

½ pound butter

¾ cup icing sugar

½ cup corn starch

1 ¾-2 cups cake & pastry flour

1. Preheat oven to 300°

2. Using hand mixer, beat butter until light and fluffy

3. Gradually blend in icing sugar

4. Blend in corn starch

5. Add cake & pastry flour to make a stiff dough

6. Pat dough into a 9” square pan

7. Bake for 1 hour or until done to taste

8. When hot from the oven, cut into squares

NOTE: If you use all purpose flour instead of cake & pastry flour,

shortbread will be hard instead of tender and flaky.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Conservatives bend rules on defense shopping in 06

The original source for this comment was The Globe and Mail:


Conservatives bend rules on defense shopping

On the federal procurement list we have helicopters and cargo jets.

As I understand it, provinces are usually consulted on where

the work will be done as outlined in the 1994 Agreement on Internal

Trade. In this case, however, the federal government chose the

contractors and where the work will be done through the use of the

National Security Exemption. The key areas that are going to

benefit from the contracts are the West, Quebec and the Atlantic.

It is interesting to note the conservative party doesn’t have much

support in Quebec or any of the Atlantic provinces. As for the West,

they don’t need to worry about being re-elected there. If I was the

head of a trade union in any of the provinces that traditionally do not

support conservatives, I may consider lining up behind the party due

to the wonderful contract they gave me. It brings a whole new

meaning to the term “buying votes”.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

MSRC blog is hosted by ORCS Web, Inc. not by you why? Email

This is strange!!
Thank you for contacting Microsoft Customer Service.

I understand that you would like to know why Microsoft Security Response Center Blog is not hosted on a Microsoft server though it is hosted by ORCS Web.

I would like you to know that ORCS Web is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner with a certified support team and multiple Microsoft MVPs on staff. Hence Microsoft has given them the hosting rights.

I hope the information is helpful.

Thank you,

Microsoft Customer Service Representative

Monday, May 26, 2008

In Flanders fields

Remembrance Poppies

Photograph © Andrew Dunn, 19 September 2004.
Website: http://www.andrewdunnphoto.com/
I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license:

This file is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 License (cc-by-sa-2.0). In short: you are free to share and make derivative works of the file under the conditions that you appropriately attribute it, and that you distribute it under this or a similar cc-by-sa license.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.