Saturday, January 29, 2011

The federal Conservatives have pulled controversial attack ads aimed at Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff from their website.

The federal Conservatives have pulled controversial attack ads aimed at Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff from their website.

The ads featured a clip of Ignatieff shouting, "Yes, yes, yes" in response to a question about whether he was seeking an early election and planning to raise taxes.

The ads — which were dropped from the Conservative website Friday after being up for less than 24 hours — were roundly attacked for pulling the Ignatieff quote from its proper context — a rhetorical question he posed in a speech about the Liberal party's willingness to fight for "the Canadian family."

Fred DeLorey, communications director for the Conservative party, defended the ads Thursday night, telling Parliament Hill CBC blogger Kady O'Malley the 15-second spots "are accurate and fair."

The Conservatives also said the ads were produced for web use only.

"It was a one day web posting. There was no media buy ever planned," said a senior Conservative official who did not want to be named.

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