Wednesday, June 4, 2008

"CureChasers" cbc news email

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your comments. We are sorry that you think we were in
some way promoting the therapy the Deerings chose and/or giving false
hope because it certainly was not what we intended; we took great pains
to explain that it was controversial, potentially dangerous and
completely unproven.

Regarding Cheryl Paget and her video... as we indicated in our piece,
Tony Deering and his daughters knew and consulted Cheryl about her
therapy on their own, quite independently of the CBC; Cheryl
communicated with the family from China on numerous occasions,
outlining to them personally what she believed to be her improvement;
numerous promotional videos were posted on the Beike company website
and when we showed Cheryl's to Shannon and Erica we pointed out to them
very clearly that Dr. Tator saw "zero recovery".