Thursday, August 6, 2009

CNN should offer Lou Dobbs an early retirement package ... ASAP

CNN, do me a favor and fire Lou Dobbs as soon as possible. Why are you continuing to employ this anti-immigrant, anti-Hispanic, anti-black ... in other words a racist pig? This is kind of ironic as Mr. Dobbs' personal chef, housekeeper, groundskeeper etc. are members of the aforementioned groups that he espouses to not like.

I also find it unusual that CNN has not already fired Mr. Dobbs as most of the demographics that he does not like are the key demographics that CNN gets most of its ratings from. So then I ask, why give a person a multimillion dollar contract to alienate CNN's own viewer base? It seems both counter intuitive and counter productive. On the other hand, he could go and work for Fox but they are full of raving psychotics already. Which leaves talk radio but they wouldn't have high enough ratings to fit the size of his ego. Rumor has it that his wife is of Hispanic descent. I find it odd he would fall in love with a member of an ethnic group that he is not a fan of on air. I am surprised his wife has not bitch slapped him to the curb over his views. She must be quite the conservative herself. Very strange. The good news is his ratings have dropped because he doesn't think Barak Obama was born in the United States and has aligned himself with the crazy Ivan (no offense to any Russian readers) of the Congress and Senate, Michelle Mulkin. It will be interesting to see if CNN finally does fire him but so fat, they haven't fired Campbell Brown yet so I don't hold out much hope. I'll save Campbell Brown for a possible future post. I have different issues with her. She should have stayed at ABC News.

Ted Turner would not be pleased.